I went up to Specky to congratulate her on her set on Sunday. So fucking funny. I also wanted to know if she performed anywhere else. I told her that I had some friends who would enjoy her stand up and could I put myself on her mailing list. She got out a scrappy piece of paper to write down my email address and I noticed she was sitting with Ray Pool. Who I met years ago. Like 6 years ago. He was weird then too.
Anyway, six years ago I went to see the comedy hour Ray hosted because my friend was on the line up testing out his comedy skills. Sidney Meyer (very reputable cabaret performer) was performing as headliner. His number needed an audience member. For some reason I had been fodder for the other comedians that night. I was a part of almost every comedians material. I don't remember why. I remember I was on a date with someone with the same name. Clem and Clem #2. That was a part of it. But, I really think it was my laugh. It was loud, big, and distinct. Well, Sidney felt it only appropriate to use me as the on stage participant. Needless to say, I ended up dancing with some red feather boa or something and made a fool of myself. I even had a name. Louie or something. I was young and less inhibited. All the while, Ray was video taping it. I guess he video tapes every show and has for the past 8 years. Later, after the comedy hour, I asked him if I could get a copy of the tape. Documentation for the future that I was, once, a crazy kid. He said sure. He was weird and flirty. But, mostly weird. Needless to say, I never received a copy. But for years after, everytime we ran into each other he would remember me and the video and promised to get me a copy. We probably bumped into each other a dozen times in the first three or four years that followed that night. But, I haven't seen him in at least 2 years or more. So, as I was writing my email down for Specky, I looked over at Ray Pool and said hello. I tried to dodge the old conversation of how we may know each other by looking blank without any recognition or recollection in my face and eyes. He later (5 mins later) came up to me and said he couldn't figure out how he knew me. It sounded so much like a pick up line. I gave him my white strips smile and explained. He remembered, blah blah blah. (Insert obligatory laughter by both parties)
Later that night at 3:00 a.m., I checked my email before turning in. Ray Pool had emailed me. Specky must have given him my email. Damn her! He emailed some ridiculous note about how adorable I was and how he hasn't forgotten me. I woke up on Monday to another email from him. This one had a subject...FATE?...In it he said he saw my picture in the back of HX magazine and I looked soooooo adorable and that he saw me walking on the street moments after leafing through the magazine, and we reconnected last night. Is this Fate? He asked. Signing off with "hope to see you soon, you're so adorable...xoxoxo Ray"
.....YIKES! Hours later another email...it said. " Sorry, it was NEXT Mag not HX, nonetheless still cute as ever. Lovely seeing you again. xoxoxo Ray!"
What the fuck? If she did give him my email, why? If she did give him my email, why didn't he say that in the email. Like, maybe something along the lines of... "Specky passed me your email hope it's okay."
It's just funny and weird that's all. These are the men that adore me. Pool players and stalkers.
Well. I used to have a friend in junior college called "Bitch Glue" because only bitches ever hit on him. Sounds like your new nickname is "Freak Glue." *giggle*
Funny story. You've got sooo much potential here you know....if you put your mind to work, you could really make this little faux paus interesting....and please document.
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