Saturday, December 09, 2006


My ipod was discovered one week later.

I won't even speculate as to why it was gone and suddenly appeared in a random drawer at work. Somebody is lying.

But, thank goodness it is back, because now I can really lie on my sofa and add a melancholy soundtrack to my uneventful days. All the while picking up my phone and emails, only to lie to my friends and family about my busy day.

12 hours later, I can rip the earphones from my ears toss them on the coffee table and lie to myself about how I am not depressed. How I am not unhappy. How this too shall pass. It's only a phase.

"I am just tired. Overworked. " I tell myself.

I lie in my bed, lying to boys, lying to friends, lying alone. I get up only to move to another place where I can lie and possibly create new and more interesting lies.

I lie back and touch myself. My fantasy lies to me. I lie on my back lying about the pleasure I am forcefully trying to experience.

The second movie I watch ends with the lead actor documenting hundreds of people's answer to the same question.

"What do you believe to be an absolute TRUTH?"

1 comment:

goblinbox said...

I'm glad your iPod is returned. I also lie about being busy, so people will fuck off and leave me alone so I can BE ALONE.