Thursday, November 30, 2006

iMiss my iPod

It's been almost a week since my iPod was stolen.

I don't know who took it. But, I forgive you.

I think of you everyday. Whoever you are.

You are walking around with my music. My stories. A part of me. I had playlists on there that were tailored to Lynn, the Nurse, Chris. I had lists that were specific to my feelings. There was a sleep list. A California list. A Karaoke List.

I feel a sense of violation.

Your iPod is engraved on the back with my initials (CR+ music = True Love). Do you feel anything when you look at the back of it and see those initials. Maybe it's a coincidence and your name is Chester Robertson.

I hope you love music as much as I do. I hope you love my music. I hope you learn something about the person who created that iPod.

What I hope you learn is how to be sorry for taking something that ultimately can become so personal to another person.

I forgive you because of all the things I just gave you.

You should feel lucky. You have just be enriched by my music, my stories, my life.


Anonymous said...

You are a very strong person...I don't know if I would be so calm.

P.S. I don't have an ipod, but I really really want one. I didn't steal yours, though, because my initials don't have a C...or an R.

Jodi said...

that sucks. is your music still in your library on your computer? hopefully you still have them!


goblinbox said...

I'm so sorry you lost your iPod. My heartfelt condolences. I love my iPod so very much. *defiantly shakes fist at an uncaring iPod god* The sad thing is that the thief will probably... well, if I stole an iPod, I'd just wipe it immediately and put my own shit on it. Either that or sell it on eBay for crack money. ;-)